Revisions Adopted by President's Cabinet 9/27/19
Adopted by President’s Cabinet 2-28-17

I. 政策目的

十大正规网赌平台 (the College) is committed to maintaining the safety 和 security of faculty, staff, 和 students 书院院长 和 visitors to the College. 学院亦致力维持一个有利于优质教育的环境, individual privacy, diversity, 和 freedom of expression. 此政策提供了指导方针 对于视频监控技术的使用,在某种程度上保证了这些目的 实现. This policy also formalizes procedures for the installation, monitoring, storage, dissemination 和 destruction of video surveillance records.

II. 保单的申请

的 policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, 和合作伙伴 of 十大正规网赌平台 和 visitors to the College.

3. 定义

的se definitions apply to this 政策:

    1. 公共区域: Areas where a reasonable expectation of privacy is not violated by recording acts 这通常是可以公开观察的. This area includes, but is not limited to, campus 场地,学术走廊,教室,图书馆,自习室,工作区域,除了 私人办公室,公共聚集区在住宅楼和学生 会所,门廊,甲板,健身室,健身中心,游戏室,运动训练 room, alleys, vending areas, service drives, 和 streets, athletic fields, audience 座位,现金处理区,餐饮设施,走廊,实验室,装货码头, 人行道,其他人行道,停车场,零售场所,屋顶, 和保险箱.
    2. 私人面积: Areas in which there is a reasonable expectation that a user's behavior may not be 公开观察. This includes, but is not limited to, areas where an individual might 换衣服,宿舍房间,浴室,淋浴区,更衣室和更衣 rooms, individual dormitory rooms, kitchen work areas 和 private office spaces. An area which is public shall not be deemed to be a private area solely because there is only one person in that area at a particular point in time.
    3. 视频监控技术(VST): 任何系统,相机,技术设备,通信设备或过程,伴随使用 或与网络结合,以收集、监控、记录、 或储存一幅或多幅学院设施和/或学院设施内人员的图像. Images captured by video 监视技术 may be real-time or preserved for 以后再复习. Closed Circuit Television Technology is one form of video 监视技术.
    4. 授权人员: 总统, Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长, the Vice President for 信息技术 /或其指定人,或任何其他经书面特别授权的个人 由总统或国会 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长.

IV. 的指导方针

本学院的主要目的,是透过威慑,促进一个安全的环境 illegal 和 acts in violation of College or 佐治亚大学系统 policy; 和 to assist in the identification of individuals who commit acts in violation of law 或政策. 的se guidelines shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with those 目的.

V. 受过训练的人员

All College 人员 involved in the supervision, application, use or monitoring of VST will receive training appropriate for their role in the technical, legal 和 ethical parameters of appropriate camera use, access restrictions, 和 storage 和 检索指南,收到本政策的副本并提供书面确认 that each has read 和 understood its contents.

VI. VST安装和放置

公共安全总监/警察局长,与副总统协商后 ,应向主席提出适当的建议 放置VST时,注意确保视野周边位置固定 相机符合这一政策. 的 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长 will 也接受来自学院社区成员的意见和建议 相机的位置. In proposing 相机的位置, the Director of Public Safety/Chief 的警察 和 the Vice President for 信息技术 shall be guided by the 后:

    1. 公共区域. VST may be carried out in public areas.
    2. 私人领域. VST shall not be conducted in private areas. 此规则的任何例外都必须是 经总统批准. Exceptions may include, but are not limited to, use of VST in areas where monetary transactions occur or where the use of CCTV is needed to safeguard money or supplies from theft, destruction or tampering; or where needed 保障食物安全.
    3. 监察通知书. Signs shall be displayed prominently in public areas covered by VST informing the users of those areas of the usage of VST in those areas. 该标志应包括 the phone number of the EGSC警察局, to answer questions about the VST 这个政策. For exterior cameras, signs will be posted prominently 和 in close 接近VST. For interior cameras, signs will be placed at or near each entrance 被监控的地方.
    4. 放置 is Not Guarantee of Continual Surveillance. 这一政策的存在并不意味着或保证摄像机将受到监控 in real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

7. Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长 Monitors 安装, Compliance 和 投诉

    1. 法律或安全实践的变化. 的 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长 shall monitor developments in the law 和 in security industry practices in order that VST placement 和 use is consistent with accepted practices 和 complies with applicable law.
    2. 安装. 的 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长 shall oversee the installation of all VST, in consultation with the Vice-President for 信息技术. 请求 to change the view of individual cameras 应以书面向 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长. In consultation with the Vice President of Information 技术人员和/或其指定人员,公共安全总监/警察局长 will make a determination on the camera view 和 advise the requestor.
    3. 反对放置相机. If any written complaint is made about the location or manner of use of VST at the 学院,应遵循以下程序:公共安全主任/主任 警务处会覆核投诉. 的 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长 will 确定安全的潜在利益是否大于安全 any likely infringement of individual privacy. 鉴于这一决定, 公共安全总监/警察局长将向总统提出建议 regarding disposition 投诉的内容. Once a final decision regarding the complaint is reached, the complainant will be notified, in writing, of that decision. 而 not always possible, every attempt should be made to finalize decisions regarding 在收到有关视频监控地点的投诉后十(10)个工作日内 投诉的内容.
    4. 政策的发布. 公共安全署长/警务处处长应合理地复印本政策 available to College 人员, maintain a copy of this policy on the EGSC Police 部门网站,维护所有VST的位置信息,并提供建议 departments on the appropriate application of VST as needed.

8. 监控

所有参与公共区域视频监控的学院员工将履行他们的职责 duties in accordance with this policy. 的 following guidelines shall apply to the VST监测;

    1. 一般. VST将以专业、道德、合法和一致的方式进行 with all existing College policies, including, but not limited to, those governing sexual harassment 和 equal employment opportunity. 摄像机监视器将监视 suspicious behavior, not individual characteristics. 基于个人的监控 on a person's race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or other protected characteristic is 严格禁止的.
    2. Restricted Access to Images Recorded. Only Authorized Personnel may view or download images recorded by VST. 当VST记录时 are reviewed, Authorized Personnel who view recorded video footage must do so in the 有另一名授权人员在场,以保持录像的完整性. 如果大学员工有一个有效的商业理由查看和或下载图像 to disc, they will complete the “Request to Pull Video Footage” form on the MyEGSC portal 和 forward it to the Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长.
    3. Request for Exception to Access Restrictions. 请求 for exceptions to the above guidelines concerning access to images recorded 应以书面向 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长. 的 request shall identify the individual for whom access is sought, the area to be monitored or the images to be reviewed, 和 the rationale for granting access. 准许或拒绝进入的决定将由公共安全处长/处长作出 的警察. EGSC警察局 是否会保存此类请求的文件和指示授予访问权限的日志.
    4. 员工绩效评估. 学院不会将定期、连续的VST作为唯一的评估方法 员工绩效.
    5. 数据收集. VST shall not be used to collect data about behavior of groups of individuals using an area over a period of time, such as parking patterns or levels 和 types of use 用于学习或娱乐场所.
    6. 请求 to Observe Real Time 监控. Any individual who may be observed through the use of VST may request to see live video of the area in which that individual may be observed. 那个人可能会要求 to observe the active monitoring of the area in which that person could be observed 在有限的时间内. Recorded video is not available for viewing. 这个请求将 他被带到 Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长,并在方便时予以批准,符合操作要求 被观察区域的.
    7. 录像带及媒体. 录像带或其他媒体将被创建、存储和运输、销毁/擦除 in a manner that preserves the integrity of the recording, ensures safeguarding of the media 在有限的时间内, 和 ensures periodic erasure/destruction. 所有的媒体 由VST收集的资料将储存一段有限的时间,并会定期删除/销毁 时间表如下所述.
    8. 位置. VST records shall be stored in a secure location, maintained by the 学院正式档案保管人,仅限EGSC警察查阅 或IT人员.
    9. 日志. EGSC警察局 是否保留记录介质的日志,注明创建日期,所包含的日期 a rotation cycle 和 dates of destruction.
    10. Regular Erasure or Destruction of Records. In compliance with USG policy, VST records for non-Incident or Accidents shall be stored for a period of 30 days, after which they will be promptly erased or otherwise destroyed. 已知事件/意外 related video, records shall be retained for a period of 4 years, unless retained 作为刑事调查的一部分,法庭诉讼(刑事和民事)或其他 bona fide use, as 经总统批准. 然而, Director 公共安全主任/警务处处长, in consultation with the President, may determine that video surveillance records of identified high priority areas be stored for a period of not less than 90 days 在被擦除之前. 参见美国政府的政策 
    11. 改变. No attempt shall be made to alter any part of any VST recording. 威仕特工作站 是否会配置成防止摄像机操作人员篡改或复制 记录信息.
    12. 访问日志. An access log shall be maintained by the EGSC警察局 for all instances of access to, or use of, VST records. 该日志应包括 date, time, 和 identification of the person or persons to whom access was granted, as well as a summary of the reason for which access was necessary.

IX. 发布信息

通过VST获得的信息只有在总统授权的情况下才会发布 学院或其指定人员,根据本政策规定的程序. 的 following guidelines will govern dissemination of recordings obtained through the use of video 监视技术:

    1. 执法目的. 通过VST获得的信息可能会发布给联邦、州或地方执法部门 人员 for security 和 law enforcement 目的 by the EGSC警察局. EGSC警察局 will cooperate 和 assist federal, state 和 local law 执法人员在公务调查过程中由执法人员执行 人员. This includes providing copies of any VST recordings within the College's 占有.
    2. 商业用途. Under no circumstances shall VST recordings be exploited for 目的 of profit or commercial publication, nor shall such recordings be publicly distributed except as 可能是法律要求的吗.
    3. Release Pursuant to Valid Judicial Orders. VST recordings will be released as required by subpoenas or other judicial process or orders after consultation by the EGSC警察局 with the College's legal 法律顾问.

X. Destruction or Tampering with Video Surveillance Technology

Any person who tampers with or destroys a video surveillance camera or any part of 将会受到适当的行政及/或纪律处分; 以及可能的刑事指控.

XI. 违反本政策

Any use of VST for 目的 other than those listed in this policy would undermine the acceptability of these resources for critical safety 和 security goals 和 is 严格禁止的. Violations of policy will result in appropriate administrative 和/或与管理员工的规章制度一致的纪律处分 书院院长. Any information obtained in violation of this policy may not be used 在对学院教职员工或学生的纪律处分程序中 body.

十二世. 除外责任

的 following uses of video technology are not governed by the provisions of this 政策:

    1. 学习使用. 本政策不适用于合法的学术用途的视频摄像机的教育 目的, provided the video cameras are not used to monitor any computer screens.
    2. 专用摄像机. This policy does not apply to private video cameras owned 和 operated by members 校园社区的成员.
    3. 执法监察. This policy does not apply to the use of video 监视技术 as authorized by a search warrant or to use by certified law enforcement officers, including any 学院在调查过程中聘用的持证执法人员 在其作为持证执法人员的职责范围内处理具体案件.
    4. 与监视无关. 本政策不适用于因无关原因而建立的视频摄像机或网络摄像机 to surveillance activity, including remote monitoring of facilities construction to ascertain project progress, campus public relations initiatives or videotaping of athletic events for post-game reviews.